

Based on the work of psychoanalyst Karen Horney who created ten neurotic needs which she split into three categories focused on the ways people solve inner conflicts. Reveals the way we engage with the world.

Looking at the Intelligence Centers, we can go through each type and look at its Primary Type as well as the two types farthest away from it to reveal the most repressed types for each Intelligence Center.

Compliant 126

Karen Horney's "Compliance" category of need which involves moving toward people. They see other people offering solutions to their needs.

  • Farthest away from the Thinking Center
  • Engage with the world through the present by earning—Ones earn autonomy, Twos earn attention, and Sixes earn security

Assertive 378

Karen Horney's "Expansion/Aggression" category of need which involves moving against people. They see other people as being in the way of their needs.

  • Farthest away from the Feeling Center
  • Engaged with the world through the future by demanding—Threes demands attention, Sevens demand security, and Eights demand autonomy

Withdrawn 459

Karen Horney's "Detachment/Withdrawal" category of need which involves moving away from people. They see other people as useless to meeting their needs.

  • Farthest away from the Instinctive Center
  • Engage with the world through the past by withdrawing—Fours withdraw for attention, Fives withdraws for security, and Nines withdraw to gain autonomy