Read more about discerning the difference between pairs[1] and misidentification[2].

  1. Threes and Nines share some characteristics. Both Threes and Nines tend to be optimistic, upbeat, and likable. People of both types can be hardworking and practical, though Threes more regularly focus on working excessively hard. Threes and Nines also both depend on external support for a sense of identity and direction. Threes read other people to see what they view as successful and then design their own image to match that picture of success to gain the approval and admiration of others. Disliking conflict and lacking a clear sense of their own inner agenda, Nines reference others and then go along with the wishes and wills of others as a way of finding direction and creating harmony. In addition, both Threes and Nines can be hard to contact at times. Threes focus a great deal of attention on their lists of things-to-do and identify strongly with their image. This can make it hard for them to be present and interpersonally aware from a real, solid sense of who they are. Similarly, Nines tend to forget themselves and merge with what others want to do as a way of being in harmony with other people and avoiding conflict. Some of the time, however, Nines realize later that they didn’t really want to go along with that plan, but they didn’t know it, because they tend not know what they really want in the moment.

    There are also some key differences between Threes and Nines. On a basic level, Threes focus on accomplishing tasks and reaching goals; conversely, Nines focus more on maintaining comfort and harmony. Threes are fast-paced, decisive, and forward moving. Nines move at a slower pace and have a tendency to sit on the fence. Threes are very work-oriented, and can often be workaholics. And while some Nines can be very hardworking (especially Social Nines), many Nines can have a harder time accomplishing things, as they can become caught up inertia, paralyzed by indecision, or distracted by less essential tasks. Threes usually focus very keenly on their goals until they achieve them; in contrast, Nines tend to become easily distracted from their own priorities, as their attention tends to get pulled away from their goals and toward supporting others’ goals and agendas. Threes can engage in conflict if necessary, especially if it means removing an obstacle to their forward momentum, while Nines usually take great pains to avoid conflict. Nines like to stay comfortable, and they tend to avoid moving out of their comfort zone to accomplish tasks they might view as disturbing their peace, like expressing strong opinions in public or confronting someone about something they did incorrectly. In contrast, Threes will more readily endure discomfort if it serves their progress toward their goal. Finally, Nines have a strong dislike for being the center of attention, while most Threes enjoy being in the spotlight and may even actively seek out situations in which others notice them.

  2. The Enneagram Institute

    Threes and Nines can be mistaken for each other in that both are highly adaptable and both can be interested in gaining acceptance from others. Although it is not always obvious in the case of Threes, both can also have trouble recognizing who they are or what they really want. Threes can also resemble Nines when they move to Nine in their Direction of Disintegration, becoming more disengaged and unmotivated by their usual goals.

    Their differences between these types can be quite pronounced. Threes are highly motivated self-starters who launch into projects with a sense that they can and will succeed. They are determined to meet goals and have trouble slowing down and relaxing. Nines can be highly accomplished in life and hugely successful, but many such Nines have friends or spouses who keep them motivated and on track with their goals. Generally speaking, Nines have trouble doing good things for themselves, and have a much easier time taking it easy than Threes do. Threes try to garner attention from people who they believe are important to them. Nines are reluctant to ask for attention, and discount themselves easily. Threes get excited about their projects, Nines about their free time and comforts. Compare Nines Ronald Reagan and George Lucas with Threes Bill Clinton and Tony Robbins.

In Trios

In Triads