Read more about discerning the difference between pairs[1] and misidentification[2].

  1. Fours and Eights can appear similar. People of both types are willing to engage in conflict and can confront people if necessary, though Eights tend to do this more regularly than Fours. Fours and Eights can both feel and express big emotions, though Eights tend to express anger more frequently than other emotions, and Fours can more readily feel a range of emotions, tending especially to experience melancholy more regularly than people of other types. Both Eights and Fours are drawn to intensity, and both types also feel things passionately, though Fours are much more likely than Eights to feel their vulnerable feelings. Both Fours and Eights can be impulsive, and both can feel justified in breaking the rules—Eights because they are bigger than the rules, and Fours because they prioritize their internal experience and their own needs and wants over the rules. In the work setting, both Fours and Eights can work hard and be deeply involved in their work, with Fours viewing work as an opportunity for self-expression and collaborative artistry and Eights wanting to make a big impact, achieve and maintain power, and mentor and protect the people they work with.

    Significant differences also exist between Fours and Eights. Fours typically experience a wider range of emotions than Eights, with Eights feeling more anger and impatience than Fours and Fours feeling more melancholy and sadness than Eights. Importantly, Eights dislike being vulnerable and expressing any vulnerable feelings—and regularly deny the existence of such feelings. In contrast, Fours feel vulnerable emotions on a regular basis and can even feel some degree of comfort in a true and deep experience of their vulnerability. Eights have a difficult time recognizing their own physical limits, dependency needs, and softer emotions, while (with the possible exception of some Sexual Fours) Fours are much more familiar with their limitations, their sense of dependency, and their softer emotions. In addition, Fours usually put much more effort than Eights into getting their own physical and emotional needs met. And when in relationships, Eights typically express love through protection and power, while Fours express love through an expression of feelings and their desire for connection.

    While people of both types may challenge established authorities, Eights are usually more regularly rebellious than Fours. Generally, Eights focus their attention on the big picture and strategize about how to move things forward, while Fours pay more attention to the creative process and on attracting attention and being appreciated for their unique contributions. When working with others, both Fours and Eights can have big energy. Eights tend to be very assertive and can even be aggressive and dominating, while Fours are more oriented to achieving emotional connections with others (though Sexual Fours may also be assertive or aggressive). Related to this, Eights tend to misperceive the impact they have on others, while Fours are emotionally intuitive and can be highly sensitive to how they affect the people around them. In communicating, Eights tend to be direct and straightforward, while Fours express themselves more descriptively in terms of how they are experiencing something emotionally. Eights do not pay very much attention to their internal processes, while Fours can be very introspective.

  2. The Enneagram Institute

    At first, it would seem extremely unlikely that Fours and Eights would be mistyped for one another, but it does occasionally occur. More often, Eights mistake themselves for Fours because they see themselves as passionate and intense feelings, and this is usually true. Similarly Eights may well recall childhood hurts and identify with the Fours' sense of alienation or loneliness. But Eights cope with these feelings in radically different ways than Fours do. Eights learn to toughen themselves up and to "get over it" so that they can do what they need to do to maintain their independence and personal authority. Fours find it difficult to let go of their childhood wounds and do not want to "get over it." Fours do not necessarily want to be dependent on anyone, but they are willing to rely on others if it gives them the time and resources to work out their feelings or to develop their creativity.

    Eights do feel vulnerable inside, but as much as possible, they steel themselves against any feelings of insecurity and weakness in themselves. Eights tend to see such feelings as self-indulgent luxuries for people who have no serious responsibilities. Fours show their vulnerability, but can be much tougher and controlling than they generally realize. In fact, Fours are quite resilient and can endure emotional difficulties and losses that would cause most other types to collapse. In a strange way, Eights are like Fours turned inside-out. Contrast Fours like Roy Orbison and Johnny Depp with Eights like Frank Sinatra and Sean Penn.

In Trios

In Triads