Read more about discerning the difference between pairs[1] and misidentification[2].

  1. Fives and Sevens have several characteristics in common. Both Fives and Sevens are mental types, “living” most of the time in their heads (or their thinking function), though they do it in different ways. Believing knowledge is power, Fives tend to think in terms of gathering and compartmentalizing information, and Sevens tend to think in terms of planning and interrelating and interconnecting ideas. Sevens have a nonlinear way of thinking that gives them a talent for finding connections and parallels between dissimilar things, while Fives prioritize collecting and compartmentalizing information, especially about topics they have a strong interest in. Furthermore, both Sevens and Fives have active imaginations and sincerely enjoy learning new things and pursuing intellectual interests. Fives and Sevens both guard against becoming too committed in social interactions, Fives because they fear being drained by others’ needs and Sevens because they like to have many options and dislike feeling limited. In addition, people of both styles intellectualize; that is, they both avoid feelings by going into thinking and analysis and detaching from emotions.

    There are also clear differences between Fives and Sevens. Sevens live in the future much of the time, in fantasies and plans about pleasurable activities yet to happen, while Fives don’t live in the future or think in terms of planning and play in this same way. Sevens are relentlessly positive, habitually and automatically reframing negatives into positives, while Fives tend to be more removed and objective in their analysis of situations and events. Sevens focus attention on having multiple options and limitless opportunities, while Fives focus on how to conserve energy and do what they have to do in the most economical way, given their perception that their resources are limited and they feel at risk of being depleted. In fact, Sevens have a hard time making commitments because having others depend on them makes them feel constrained and limited and uncomfortable. Fives are more able to make commitments, precisely because they are so good at protecting their private space and making boundaries. While Sevens are often very socially active and gregarious, Fives tend to make social promises much more carefully and to a very small number of people in their lives.

    When it comes to feelings, Sevens actively seek out excitement and stimulation as a way of avoiding feelings like frustration, discomfort, and sadness, whereas Fives merely detach from feelings, automatically letting them go and focusing instead on thoughts and ideas. Sevens unconsciously deal with their fear and anxiety by charming and disarming others, while Fives detach and withdraw from others to avoid interactions that might feel intrusive or inspire difficult feelings.

  2. The Enneagram Institute

    These types are seldom mistyped for one another, but they do have some similarities. Fives and Sevens are also both Thinking types. They are both highly curious, exploratory, and willing to try new ways of doing things. Both types also have a propensity to collect things and to be high strung. They are quite different emotionally and in their characteristic preoccupations and avoidances.

    Fives tend to be more socially isolated and withdrawn, spending long hours alone working on their projects, reading, listening to music, and so forth. Fives prefer cerebral entertainment. Sevens are highly gregarious, and like to stay active. They enjoy a good read too, but get impatient with sitting around for extended periods of time. The gift of the Five is intense focus and concentration. The gift of the Seven is breadth of vision and synthesis. Sevens are also the optimists of the Enneagram, seeing the positive side of most things and wanting to avoid topics that get too dark, painful, or heavy. Fives are almost the opposite, seeing optimism as unrealistic and being drawn to the dark, the macabre, and the nihilistic side of life.

    Of course, Fives can resemble Sevens when they are under increased stress and moving in their Direction of Disintegration. At such times, they can become distracted and scattered like average Sevens. But as soon as the stressful situation is relieved, they will return to their more focussed, withdrawn ways.

    Contrast Fives like Gary Larson with Sevens like Robin Williams.

In Trios

In Triads