Read more about discerning the difference between pairs[1] and misidentification[2].

  1. Ones and Fours can appear similar in that they both take work tasks seriously and want to do the best job they can. But while Ones focus more on the structure and process and details of completing tasks, Fours focus more on relationships and people and their own creative expression.

    Both Ones and Fours are idealistic and appreciate quality, but while Ones attend most to making things as perfect as they can (according to the One’s own internal standards), the Four values creativity, authenticity, and aesthetics above a specific ideal of perfection. Also, while both Ones and Fours base their judgments on their internal sense of what is ideal, Fours are much more conscious of how things look to other people. Both Ones and Fours can be self-critical, but while the One’s inner critic provides a running commentary about how things could have been done more perfectly, the Four experiences a deeper sense of something being fundamentally flawed within them. Ones take note of grammatical errors and things being out of alignment or less than ideal, often with little or no emotional reaction other than perhaps slight irritation, whereas Fours frequently notice what is missing in a given situation and in themselves in a larger sense, and may have deeper emotional reactions to what they see as absent or “not good enough.”

    Ones and Fours differ from one another in several ways. Fours attend to other people, paying a lot of attention to what interactions are like on an emotional level, and how much they feel connected or not to the people around them. Ones are more likely to focus on the structure of relationships or the work tasks they share in common.

    Ones can tend to fall into seeing things in black and white, thinking there is one right way to approach a task, while Fours make a lot of room for creativity and self-expression and so are more likely to see many ways of approaching a project. While both styles will want to perform at a high level and may be perfectionistic in the things they do, the One’s priorities are following the rules and the structure and making something as good as it can possibly be according to the One’s standards, while the Four’s focus is more on creative and authentic self-expression and on whether or not others perceived them as special and unique according to more artistic standards.

    In terms of emotional tone, Ones and Fours can appear quite different to an outside observer. Ones can tend to seem reserved and at times may be annoyed or irritated with others when they don’t follow the rules or perform up to their expectations. Fours on the other hand, tend to have more varied and prominent moods and can be very empathic with others’ feelings, having a natural understanding that people have a range of emotions and moods, both in terms of their own experience and that of others. At times Fours can be dramatic and emotionally expressive in communicating with others, while Ones tend to be more controlled, straightforward, concise, and precise.

  2. The Enneagram Institute

    Since Ones and Fours are so different, it might seem strange that they can be confused. The confusion seems to arise when a One (who may be going to Four under stress) begins to think that he or she is a Four. Invariably, Ones who misidentify themselves as Fours focus almost exclusively on the traits of the unhealthy Four and not on the type as a whole. Because they feel melancholy, depressed, and alienated from others, they may convince themselves that they must be Fours. If Ones have been having more severe difficulties, they may be "shunting" to Four more continuously to avoid falling into even more unhealthy Levels of type One–a far more serious problem. At such times, Ones are typically guilt-ridden, feel worthless, and are subject to excruciating self-contempt and self-hatred. (They may even felt suicidal). Their confusion would clear if they were to look at themselves historically and see both themselves and the Four as a whole.

    In the average Levels, Ones usually attend to their responsibilities first, and deal with their feelings later. Their lack of focus on their feelings is actually one of the main causes of their not infrequent depressions. (It is also worth mentioning that Ones are one of the types more vulnerable to depression.) Fours, on the other hand, want to sort out their feelings first, and deal with their duties after they have worked through their emotions. As a result, they may have difficulty mobilizing themselves to meet responsibilities. Most Ones would not give themselves permission to "indulge" their feelings in this way for very long. For lower average Fours, non-productively dwelling on their feelings can be the rule rather than the exception.

    Despite these differences, there are similarities. Both tend to be perfectionistic and dissatisfied with things as they are. Both are often frustrated with themselves and their environment, and can be perceived by others as fussy, or picky. Both can be very particular about their environment and the "rules" that they want others to observe in their personal space. ("No one comes in here without removing their shoes.") Both types can be angry: average Ones are frequently critical and irritable, but usually over others' inefficiency or failure to follow agreed upon procedures. Average Fours are often critical and picky over others' lack of awareness of their sensitivities. The may feel irritable about others' apparent coarseness. Similarly, Fours can also become resentful when they feel that others' do not appreciate their depth and creativity. If upset in this way, Fours attempt to punish the offenders by coldly withdrawing emotionally or even physically. They refuse to engage in further communication. Average Ones do not withdraw from people. On the contrary, they press themselves and their opinions on others with increasing urgency as they become angrier at what they see as the irresponsibility of others.

    It is also possible for an occasional healthy Four to be mistaken for a One; such a misidentification would, however, be a compliment to the Four since it indicates that he or she has integrated to One and is living with purpose beyond the self. Fortunately for them, some Fours actually do integrate and begin to manifest the reason, moderation, and attraction to objective values of healthy Ones. Further, some Fours may well be teachers and in a teaching situation be called on to move beyond their feelings and interior states. But a Four who has genuinely integrated some of the healthy qualities of type One is still a Four—and besides having either a Three-wing or a Five-wing, other important characteristics, will continue to be present in the Four's overall personality. Contrast a Four such as Anne Rice and a One such as Martha Stewart or a Four such as Tennessee Williams and a One such as Arthur Miller for more insight into these types.

In Trios

In Triads